Attention all golfers!


It seems that whatever bug Joey picked up didn’t progress, so that’s a relief. He managed to get to the gym in our building three times last week, but hasn’t been to the physio room in what feels like a really long time. At least he is now able to do most of his exercises at home and is feeling better in general.

That said, we have an announcement that we’ve been meaning to post for a while. If you’re looking for a fun golfing adventure this summer, there’s going to be a golf tournament in Clearwater to help fund our expenses while we have to live in Toronto. Here are the details:

Date: August 11, 2007

Location: Lacarya Golf Club, Clearwater, BC. (For those of you who have no idea where it is, Clearwater is about an hour and a half north of Kamloops).

Start time: Registration at 9:30

Cost: 18 holes of golf, lunch, and dinner for $65 or $20 for dinner only.

For more details, or to register for the tournament, call/email Kelvin or Matt at:

Phone: (250) 674-2146


Or call/email Randy at:

Phone: (250) 587-2378


After dinner there will also be a silent and live auction, as well as other fun and games. Should be a good time. We wish we could go; it will be weird to miss it this year.

Renee and Gary are here for a visit right now. It’s been fun so far. We haven’t been up to all that much, but it’s making for some good Q.T.

Kirstin and Joey

Back in Action…Sort of

Well, the good news is that Joey worked out in the gym in our building last night. He was able to do most of his exercises. The bad news is he seems to have picked up a cold from somewhere. Noooooo! So he’s popping the Cold FX and we’re hoping it doesn’t get too bad, but I guess we’ll find out with time.

K & J

The Scoop

Joey had an X-ray. No damage visible. Been out of physio for last two weeks due to pain in chest. It has started to feel better in the last couple of days. Will try physio on Thursday and see how it goes.

Dog bite is healing. No rabies were contracted during the biting of my shin.

K & J

When the dog bites…it hurts and stings

Interesting day yesterday. Owen is here for a visit, so we took him on a stroll. We were walking down the street when a man coming in the opposite direction from us veered out of his way to elbow Joey in the chest and swear at him. Almost immediately the man disappeared into the crowd behind us. It was pretty clear that he was not mentally well, judging from the fact that he was muttering to himself and that he made a real point to go out of his way to elbow Joey when we had never seen him before in our lives. It happened too fast for us to react.

About half a block later, Joey started to notice pain in his chest where the man had elbowed him. It’s tender to the touch and feels like a sharp, pleuritic pain. We’re hoping that he didn’t wind up cracking one of Joey’s ribs (he has osteoporosis). His side now hurts when he exerts himself at all, which basically entails doing anything and everything when you have advanced lung disease. Our fingers are crossed that this will fix itself fast; nothing but time fixes a cracked rib. (Note: this is a self-diagnosis. Good luck getting Joey to go to the hospital for a problem they can do nothing about).

We tried to go to the gym later on in the evening; it was too painful for Joey, so he ended up coming straight back home. On our way there, our neighbor was bringing her yappy little white dog home from a walk (those of you who have been out for a visit will no doubt remember “Farfel” and his incessant bark-I don’t know how that dog has a voice left). It seems that he also has enough teeth left to do some damage. Lucky him. He went for Joey’s slippers. (Perhaps he was annoyed that they were being worn out of the house?) The dog then turned on me and bit me in the leg. Better me than Joey. The woman assured me that the dog has had all of its shots, but if I start frothing at the mouth or there is a change in my bark, it may be time to seek medical attention.

We have included a photo for your enjoyment. It may look like I’m being a wimp, but keep in mind, I have skin so white it glows in the dark; it does not show up well on film. Just call me Casper (only after yesterday I’m feeling a tad less friendly).

I would have also posted a photo of the man who elbowed Joey in the chest, but he disappeared quickly and judging by his demeanor, he would not have been in the mood to stop and pose with us.

Kirstin and Joey
