Treat Yo Self!

Anyone else find it amusing that I have more in common with the women in that last newspaper article than I do with people my own age? Told you it was useful.

In my second attempt to make our wedding anniversary as un-shitty as possible, I adopted a philosophy that was showcased on the TV series Parks and Recreation. It’s best explained by this:

And this:

Here is my version:

Just in case. As it turned out, the gin wasn’t necessary, but served as an excellent security blanket. Ditto to the chips. Never hurts to be prepared.

My version of treat yo self essentially involved taking the entire day off of doing school work (a feat not yet achieved since I started this program). Exercise: check. Junk food: check. Booze: check but not necessary or consumed. Jewelry making: check. Movie: check. Tears: check.

It is what it is. From now on I’m giving myself permission to do whatever the hell I want for our anniversary. Ditto for his birthday. If you didn’t pick up on that already.

Oh yeah, I also got myself some flowers that are pretty darn close to the ones I had at our wedding. Or rather, the ones that Joey had:

Damn I love that man.


One thought on “Treat Yo Self!

  1. mycatisnottoofat November 1, 2012 / 9:31 pm

    Such a pretty picture of him.


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