Kicking and Screaming

Looks like the service will be on December 10th in PR.

It’s been a stressful return home. I haven’t really been doing well the past few days. That said, I know that things could be worse because they have been worse in the past. Reb is staying with me again, so I think that’s helping me hold it together. Get by with a little help from my friends…

Been starting to do a little catching up with some peeps who I haven’t seen for a long time, but still have a ways to go in that department. I am attempting to taper that and slowly get a little more organized around here before I lose the will to do so. I can feel it slipping away already. Uh-oh.

Anyway, I’m outtie. Just wanted to let you know that I’m still kicking. And screaming.





I know it seems as if I’ve dropped off the face of the earth, but I haven’t. Just thought I’d offer some reassurance.

My friend Sharon Jackson died last night. Sharon was a close friend of the family for many years and was Momma R’s best friend. She ran the H & R Block in Powell River, where Joey worked. She was a great lady and had a wicked sense of humour. Not sure when the service is yet; will keep you posted.

So far being back is going okay, albeit stressful. I’m happy that I was actually happy to be home. I hope that’s a good sign.


Attitude Problem

On the plus side, the weekend got better than this:

Roy told me that I look strangely smug in this photo. I blame that on the fact that my eye was also severely swollen, so I was winking as a joke. Plus I have an attitude problem.

So I’m back in the Couv, but not for long. Tonight I head to Langley for some much-needed Q.T. with Richard. I haven’t been having a great string of days for the last little while and he’s a good person to be around. Maybe it’s the gearing up to head home at some point soon, or apprehensiveness around what’s next, or exhaustion and the post-trip let down period. Most likely it’s a combination. Whatever it is, I feel like crap and am hoping that I can figure out a way to make myself feel a little less bad soon. My old tricks haven’t been proving as effective as usual and this concerns me.

Happy freakin’ Tuesday from your ray of sunshine.


Familiar Territory

Well, this morning I had my first ever asthma attack & woke up having a hard time breathing, so my sister took me to emerg & I had to have a nebulizer & some other meds. It was weird being on the other side of things; I am not good at it. Old habits die hard; after my meds kicked in I was getting myself heated blankets & turning off the oxygen. I fell asleep to the ding of machines & activity around the nurses’ station. It’s kind of hard to be concerned for yourself when other people have it so much worse than you do. That’s what I was thinking before I went in: this is nothing compared to what people with CF go through, should I bother addressing it? If I breathe really shallow, it’s not as bad. Then I noticed just how shallowly I was breathing & figured that probably wasn’t the wisest call.

So on the downside, it looks like I am severely allergic to my sister’s cat. Hopefully tonight goes better after pumping myself full of drugs. At least if it happens again I have a puffer on standby.

Fingers are crossed that your weekend is going more smoothly than mine.


Halloween Part 2

Halloween part 2: the conclusion. April, Emma, and I figured it would be fun to dress up during the day and in the evening. Here is our daytime attire:

I’m a fiddler, April is a fly, and Emma was Britney Spears (hit me baby one more time!). We wore our daytime costumes to run errands in. April’s went over especially well:

She was a big hit at Costco. When nighttime rolled around, we added a few new peeps to our crew and I turned into a raccoon:

When I went on a walk this morning, I saw four of my brethren crossing the street in broad daylight. Although I admire their beauty, I was careful to stay as far away as possible. Rabies alert!

Got to see Kimberly, Gus, and Mike yesterday:

Gus was also enthusiastic about Halloween:

I was also able to meet up with another special visitor this morning, who popped by on her way out of the country:

It was good to see Olivia again. The visit was short and sweet, but some time is better than no time, right?

All and all, cooling my heels in Vancouver is going well, but I’ve had more than a few emotional meltdowns. I miss Joey. A lot. I am trying my best to be happy, but it’s a lot of work and trying doesn’t always pan out. It was really good to see April and family; we needed to spend time together. Been having a rough time today too, so I’m heading to the gym shortly to try and do some damage control. Hopefully that will make me feel slightly less bad.

Happy Halloween aftershocks.
